Things Not To Tell Your Friends about Your Relationship



People Used to compare everyone to everything & you might compare your guy/Girl to someone else. And that’s okay, but keeps it to yourself. Because what you think, your friends will too. And you don’t want them to think anything negatively of him. Also, when you compare, you tend to make unrealistic expectations and those aren’t good at all. When you expect something, and it doesn’t happen, you end up disappointed. So don’t compare. It’s not cool.

Constant Complaining

keep your mouth shut!
Stop complaining so much. I know you get peeved by him sometimes and you want to tell your friends, but if it happens oh so very often, keep your mouth shut! You don’t want others knowing about your guys’ problems. Your friends don’t want to hear your complaints anyways, so don’t even bother telling them. Plus, the more you complain, the more they’ll see him negatively and you don’t want your friends thinking badly of him, do you?

His/Her Past relationship

The past is the past. No one needs to know about that except you. That is his past and he doesn’t want to go back to it. Yeah, he trusts you enough to tell you about it, but he doesn’t want others to know. Your friends don’t need to know that stuff because it’s irrelevant now. She/he with you. So why does it matter what his ex girlfriend did to him? Why does it matter what she looked like? Why does it matter what she does now?

His/Her Problem

Those are his/her problems, not yours. You have your own problems and you can tell them to your friends, but don’t go around spreading his/Her problems. They are HIS/Her. They are personal and he/She doesn’t want others to know about it. If he/She chose to talk to you about it, it’s because he/She trusts you. And if you tell others about it and he finds out, he/She won’t be able to trust you again. Your friends don’t need to know his business. They don’t need to know what’s going on in his life.

Money Problem

Money is a big deal. It’s not something you want other people knowing about. Sure, you can talk about your money problems as much as you want (but I suggest you don’t because that’s a really personal thing and you probably don’t want other people knowing about it). But a bigger no-no, is telling people about yours and HIS money problems. No one needs to know about that stuff. It’s really personal. And he probably doesn’t want you telling anyone about those things. He might believe that you think lowly of him and you don’t want that.

 SEX –

This is something that really shouldn’t be spread. You shouldn’t be telling other people about this. Not only is this stuff really personal, it’s awkward to hear. What if someone told you stuff about their sex life? Ewwww. Other people don’t need to know “how big it is” or what turns him on! This is something that shouldn’t be shared with anyone. And I mean ANYONE. This is just plain weird! Keep this stuff to yourself.


 Credit Goes to original Author Unknown Author 



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